Traffic Warden

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Today we are introducing the role of Traffic Warden. As a traffic warden you become an intracule part of the hustle and bustle of city life and by this I mean, you literately keep the city moving. It’s an important role in ensuring people and cars are living together peacefully.

The benefits it brings:

If not for this role, cities would quite frankly grind to a halt. Your management is ensuring vehicles do not park awkwardly which can result in traffic jams and even cause emergency services unable to access roads in an emergency. You really do make a difference.

How to Become a Traffic Warden:

A traffic warden falls under the civil enforcement officer roles under the national curriculum. This includes parking enforcement officer and parking warden.

Qualifications for the position are limited but it is important to have experience in customer-facing. Of course drivers are not pleased with receiving a penalty notice but handled it well the driver will understand you are doing your job. In addition, maths and English is necessary. Overall training is typically supplied by the employer covering subjects on enforcement policy and regulations. This can be an overall interesting learning experience.

What is the job?

  • you will patrol streets and car parks, to check regulations are being followed, check parking tickets and issue penalty charges
  • give advice to the public on parking regulations and facilities
  • prepare notes and reports, check parking meters and car park equipment, report defective signs, road markings or any suspect vehicles
  • manage the clamping and removal of vehicles
  • attend court or a tribunal if a parking ticket is being disputed

Your working environment may be outdoors, this can be a physical challenge yet there is an enjoyment to the great outdoors.

Starting salary is £18,000 leading to £26,000 for more experienced wardens.

With experience and further training, you could progress to a senior enforcement officer, supervisor or parking manager role.

The British Parking Association ( has further details of professional parking career.

Job Roles and Series

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Welcome to our jobs and roles series where we introduce various careers, what the job entails, its impact and what skills are needed to take on such a role.